87 566 17 70

pn-pt.: 8-18

  • Polski
  • English


Endocrinology outpatient clinic

Diagnosis and modern treatment:

  • ultrasound of the thyroid gland
  • Thyroid diseases (Hashimoto’s disease, Graves-Basedow disease, nodular goitre)
  • parathyroid gland diseases
  • pituitary gland diseases
  • adrenal gland diseases
  • androgen secretion disorders, menstrual disorders, fertility disorders (including polycystic ovary syndrome)
  • obesity and its complications
  • diabetes and complications thereof
  • lipid disorders
  • hormonal causes of hypertension


Nasi Specjaliści

Interview: Dr Agnieszka Lebkowska, specialist in internal medicine and endocrinology, talks about the revolution in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, hormones in food and harmful chemicals affecting fertility

Take care of your health

Sign up for diagnostic tests. Make an appointment.

Registration: 87 566 17 70
